Awakening to COVID 19 - on Zoom

Friday 23 October 7.15pm - 9.30pm
With Peter Gruenewald

The pandemic has woken humanity up the world over! This new, fast spreading disease is presenting us with unprecedented challenges and multiple unanswered questions in the realms of healthcare and lifestyle. As with any disease, we are being asked to make changes and make progress in how we relate to our own health and the health of communities.

Peter will give an update on current medical opinion and share ways in which we can consider the impact of COVID 19 and its management on our own health and on the health of humanity.

Peter Gruenewald is an Anthroposophical Doctor working both in the NHS and privately as a specialist and GP. He has a specialist interest in cardiovascular physiology and in how new insights into heart function are leading to a deeper understanding of its central place in our physiology.


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Admission will be from 7.15pm and there will be opportunity for conversation after the meeting untill 9.30pm.

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