All Special Events Events

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  • Thursday 20 February
    7.30pm - 9pm

    Lecture by Frank Burdich

    Your mobile phone or wifi router might seem devoid of spirituality, yet the working of all technology is based on laws with a spiritual origin. As we interact with our devices we enter into an energetic relationship with them which is not necessarily positive. Frank will explain the subtle dynamics at play in this field and show us how we can enjoy a situation where our devices work for us, rather than us feeling as if we are working for them.

    Frank Burdich was for 14 years an Upper School science teacher at a Waldorf School in Germany during which time he pursued an Anthroposophical spiritual path and became clairvoyant. He has been lecturing on supersensible perception since 2007, and in 2012 founded his own supersensible research company Gesellschaft für angewandte Geistesforschung mbH which provides supersensible research services in a range of contexts such as medicine preparation, mistletoe based remedies, oncology, special needs conditions, spiritual audit of buildings and technical devices, as well as lecturing and giving workshops on a variety of spiritual topics.

    £10 cash on the door.

    For further information please contact Alex Wright on 01342 827967

    Frank will repeat this lecture at Emerson College the following evening, Friday 21st February, and then give a 1½ day experiential workshop about Spirituality and Technology over the weekend of 22nd - 23rd February.  See for full details.

    On Saturday 22nd February, 7.30pm,  he will give a lecture at Emerson College on “The Spiritual Science of Homeopathy”.

  • Thursday 27 February
    7pm - 8.30pm

    Talk and book launch with Marko Pogacnik

    It was not that long ago that all of us lived close to the land and had the time – and the silence – to witness the natural processes and the more subtle realms of worldly phenomena. Not that long ago, too, when fairies and elves and spirits of the woods were our companions as much as dogs and cats, for people have always lived through the imagination alongside physical experience. Spirituality is as much part of our nature as is creativity, and we can interpret fairy tales on a much deeper level, to remember that beyond our everyday rational experience there is the steady causal background, the world of ideas and metaphysical truths which give us symbols and archetypes.
    Join us for this rare visit from Marko and the launch of his new book which will take place after the talk, Grimm’s Fairy Tales Decoded: precious messages from the past for the future (Feb 2025).

    MARKO POGAČNIK is a Slovenian artist and author of international renown. Since 2005, he has dedicated much of his work to creating Geopuncture Circles, a world-wide lithopuncture project to enhance communication with the Earth consciousness that he creates together with his international colleagues. He has written a number of books on spirituality and earth healing, including Sacred Geography (2007) and Gaia’s Quantum Leap (2011). In 2016, he was appointed UNESCO Artist for Peace and is a member of the TRANS-4-M Global Wisdom Council.

    Entrance £8 / £5 concession.

    To book a place please ring Rudolf Steiner Bookshop on 020 7724 7699 or buy a ticket on the night in the bookshop.

  • Friday 28 February 10am - Sunday 9 November 5pm

    with Marko Pogačnik and Ying Li

    A 9-month programme with 5 weekends: 28 February-2 March, 11-13 April, 13-15 June, 12-14 September and 7-9 November 2025

    Geomancy as a creative dialogue with Gaia has made profound developments after entering the third millennium when the intense process of Earth changes started. More than ever, we need a new approach to geomancy with practical experiences and theoretical insights related to the upcoming multidimensional Earth cosmos and the different kinds of beings sustaining its permanent transformations. In this course we will practice methods of Earth healing and subtle perception exercises with special emphasis on the creative language of the body and its artistic expression. Beginners and experienced geomancy practitioners are both welcome.

    The training will be led by Marko Pogačnik assisted by Ying Li with fieldwork in the vicinity of London and one residential weekend at Emerson College, Sussex.

    28 February- 2 March: In London taught by Marko Pogačnik

    11-13 April: In London taught by Ying Li

    13-15 June: At Emerson College, Sussex taught by Marko Pogačnik

    12-14 September: In London taught by Ying Li

    7-9 November: In London taught by Marko Pogačnik

    A certificate of completion in Geomancy Updated is given at the end of the training course.

    Marko Pogačnik (1944) UNESCO Artist for Peace from Slovenia has developed a method of Earth healing based upon geomantic knowledge, using cosmograms carved in stone. He has led education in geomancy in Germany, England, Hungary, Italy, USA, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. His latest books: Dancing with the Earth Changes and Creating Gaia Culture.

    Ying Li, originally from Hong Kong and based in London, is a geomancer, bodyworker, inner dimensions guide and facilitator of co-creative meditation and dance alchemy. Ying is part of the organising team of LifeNet, the international network for life, geomancy and transformation.

    Cost: full price £1375, concessions £1225. Booking deposit: £250

    Early booking is advisable due to group size limitations. The course price includes entrance fees to sites. Accommodation, meals and transport are booked separately.

    For booking and additional information:

  • Friday 28 February

    Leon Guallart is an artist from Barcelona, whose sound has been described as 'a warm hug in the middle of a snowstorm.' His current project, the Comfort: Home Tour, aims to bring warmth and comfort to iconic spaces around the world, designed by architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and Antoni Gaudf.

    Ticket price £15, £10 conc.

    Book via: