All Online Events

Online events are highlighted in blue.

  • Friday 14 February
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Peter Van Breda

    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was born on 29th September 1571 and died in July 1610, aged 38 years. He lived a colourful and controversial life and brought a new form of consciousness to art. He carried though within himself the remarkable ability to paint living scenarios, mostly biblical themes, in beautiful but often shocking manner. The events he paints arise out of wells of darkness but are then highlighted by shafts of light; they take place in front of you as if happening on the sidewalks of our everyday life. Guided by Peter we can understand Caravaggio as one of the most revealing artists of our present-day consciousness and the challenges that come with being a modern person. 

    Peter had the blessing of being introduced to an anthroposophist who became a lifelong friend, Dr Jan C Louw who introduced him to the work of Rudolf Steiner. Peter studied at Emerson College where he felt how a transformative seed of becoming had entered into his destiny. One gift was the two-week-long initial course given by William (Mucky) Mann, a devoted art historian. As the course unfolded Peter began to recognise that art through the ages was, amongst many other things, a direct indication of the phases of consciousness through which we have evolved.  History of Art has remained an innovative companion for him for over 50 years.

    A series of alternating zoom and face to face seminars and lectures exploring ‘Journeying’ led by speakers working with the insights of Rudolf Steiner. 

    All welcome, no need to book, no charge. Events are not recorded and zoom meetings are limited to 100 participants. Voluntary donations towards costs are gratefully received and can be made by cash donation on the day, transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose or via PayPal. 

    Account name: Adrian Hotten, Nationwide, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776. Paypal to

    Zoom link 

    Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359

  • Monday 17 February
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Dr Sue Peat and Adrian Hotten

    We will be continuing to read and discuss Theosophy, which is one of Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental and foundational books, published in 1904.

    It begins by describing the threefold nature of the human being: the body, or sense-world; the soul, or inner world; and the spirit, or universal world of cosmic archetypes. A profound discussion of reincarnation and karma follows, concluding with a description of the soul's journey through regions of the supersensible world after death. The book closes with an outline of the path to higher knowledge.

    Copies of the book are readily available both new and pre-loved, and it is also available on the Rudolf Steiner Archive website.

    All are welcome to join us for any, or all, of these meetings. Previous knowledge of Rudolf Steiners’ work is not expected or required.

    All our meetings are free. Donations towards expenses are gratefully received.

    Zoom link:

    Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836

    Passcode: 755359

  • Friday 28 February
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Graham Kennish

    Graham will suggest different ways of engaging with this and share experiences which will likely resonate with your own and lead to some fruitful exchanges among us.

    One question Graham will present is “how much is our experience of the past, actually in the past, and how much is present with us in every present moment, if we can be really present?” (Yes, to any readers who ask, - you did read that correctly!)

    Graham has been a Steiner Waldorf science teacher for many years, now a teacher trainer in UK, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Armenia.  Graham is a grandfather, living near Stroud with his partner Jane. He is also a driving instructor and a psychotherapist, using Goethean Psychology - see

    All welcome, no need to book, no charge. Events are not recorded and zoom meetings are limited to 100 participants. Voluntary donations towards costs are gratefully received and can be made by cash donation on the day, transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose or via PayPal. 

    Account name: Adrian Hotten, Nationwide, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776. Paypal to

  • Friday 14 March
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Andrew Linnell

    Andrew will centre his talk on Leonardo da Vinci, reviewing the deeper aspects of his life, initiation, paintings and inventions. The world recognises him as a great genius in multiple areas of art and science, but do we really appreciate him and how his work and legacy apply to our lives and our times? 

    Andrew is co-founder of MysTech, an organization seeking to realise Rudolf Steiner's indications on Mechanical Occultism. He retired from a 42-year career in the computer industry in 2013 wherein he had worked as CTO and VP for various companies. He has served as president of the Boston branch of the Anthroposophical Society and a member of the Natural Science Section. He is the father of three and the author of two children's books, three art history books, and eight MysTech study guidebooks. 

    All welcome, no need to book, no charge. Events are not recorded and zoom meetings are limited to 100 participants. Voluntary donations towards costs are gratefully received and can be made by cash donation on the day, transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose or via PayPal. 

    Account name: Adrian Hotten, Nationwide, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776. Paypal to

    Zoom link Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359