All Reading Groups Events

Online events are highlighted in blue.

  • Monday 24 February
    7pm - 8.30pm

    With Trevor Dance

    These profoundly esoteric lectures examine the laws inherent in reincarnation and karma and explore in detail the incarnations of specific historical figures. The opportunity to study this lecture series in a group affords us a chance to really get to grips with these fundamental issues, which demonstrate the realities of the workings of karma in human life.

    For further information:    

    Small donations towards expenses welcome: £3/£2

    All the Rudolf Steiner lectures and writings that we are studying are available from the library at Rudolf Steiner House and, in addition, many can be purchased in the Bookshop or accessed online at at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

    For updated news on these and other events please

  • Wednesday 26 February
    2pm - 4pm

    with Trevor Dance

    We will be reading and discussing these deeply penetrating but very accessible lectures given in Dornach July-Sept 1916. A wide variety of topics encompassing, ‘the duality of human nature – the heavenly and earthly aspects of human beings’, ‘enlivening the sense processes and ensouling the life processes, aesthetic enjoyment and artistic creativity.’

    For further information:

    Small donations towards expenses welcome: £3/£2

    All the Rudolf Steiner lectures and writings that we are studying are available from the library at Rudolf Steiner House and, in addition, many may be accessed online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive. For updated news on these and other events please see:

  • Wednesday 26 February
    4.15pm - 5.45pm

    with Dagmar Steffelbauer

    Occult Science was first written by Steiner in 1909 and after that, three revised editions (1913, 1920 & 1925) followed. Studying the book, a first glance into supersensible worlds is given. ‘One of the fairest fruits of the pursuit of Spiritual Science is that it lends strength and firmness to life. Inexhaustible is the fountainhead from which it draws, giving human being strength for work and confidence in life’ - Rudolf Steiner.

    All are welcome!

    Further information: