All Regular Events Events

Online events are highlighted in blue.

  • Sunday 10 November
    11am - 2pm

    The biodynamic brings the most amazing produce from Tablehurst Farm. Emerson college and Michael Hall’s garden. Availability is seasonal including leeks, jerusalem artichokes, carrots, black and white radishes, cavolo nero, kale, golden and purple beetroot, chioggia, kohlrabi, parsnips, red cabbage and apples.

    We also have Sizzler cheese and cheddars and the ‘best yoghurt I have tasted’ from Plaw Hatch; from Shire Farm we have their delicious apple juice and highly nutritional Aronia berry juice as well as rye and spelt flour.

    We look forward to seeing you at the stall.

    Kenny Coffey
    07957 799 336

  • Thursday 21 November
    7pm - 9pm

    with Barnaby Tobias and Iaia Chiesa

    Rudolf Steiner Bookshop offers An Evening of Poetry. Join us for the sharing of poems! A casual event where we celebrate the spirit of creativity. All are welcome and encouraged to share something of their own work or another’s they admire. We will have some discussion around the inspiration for certain pieces, with a main emphasis on the practical sharing of work.

    Cash donations are welcome.