Creating Good Karma (Zoom)

Friday 12 January 7pm - 8.30pm

with Howard Smith

This talk will explore the nature of ‘evil’, and how the practice of spiritual exercises and ‘virtues’ affects not only our personal Karma, but the future development of the Earth.

Howard is a life-long student of Anthroposophy. He has a PhD in Chemistry and worked as a researcher into the properties of water and as a science teacher. He founded the Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain and now works as a piano technician.

All welcome, no need to book, no charge. Voluntary donations towards costs are gratefully received and can be made by transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose.

Account name: Adrian Hotten, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776 or via Paypal to

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359

Seminars are not recorded and participants are limited to 100 on zoom