In Partnership with the Elemental Realm: The Biodynamic/Rosicrucian Path of Redemption & Renewal (Zoom)

Friday 26 May 7pm - 8.30pm

with Patricia Kaminski

Already, a century ago, Rudolf Steiner noted a dramatic shift taking place in elemental realms. Nature Spirits are increasingly drawn to allegiance with Ahrimanic or Luciferic dimensions; yet a new class of elemental beings is emerging, seeking dynamic partnership with humanity. The founding of Biodynamic Agriculture during Whitsuntide,1924, introduces a potent pathway for working co-creatively with the elemental world. The impulse is not one of fleeing from matter but precisely the opposite – that of imbuing vital forces of Spirit Life and Wisdom directly into matter. This presentation will cover some key aspects of Biodynamic/Rosicrucian alchemy, important not just for farmers, but for all who strive to live consciously with the elemental world and seek to guide our Earth to her true place in the Cosmos.

Patricia Kaminski is the Executive Director of the Flower Essence Society, a worldwide collegium of practitioners who research and heal with the subtle essences of plants. She is also the Developmental Director of Terra Flora, a Demeter-Certified Biodynamic Garden, Nature Sanctuary and cottage industry in Nevada City, California.

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