Sensing Christ Today

Saturday 3 December 11am - 4pm

A research project with Aaron Mirkin and Marjatta van Boeschoten

A central aspect of this research day will be the human capacity to find light in the darkness.  Through inner exercises of observation and after-image we will practise how to make space for the Etheric Christ to work in and through us. You are encouraged to bring a question regarding the challenges we face in the world today. Take time to ‘find’ your question and we will then work with these as the basis of the work we will do together. Encountering the Christ in the Etheric is not a theoretical matter, rather a lived experience. This is what we will work towards.

In preparation you may wish to read the Gospel of John 1, 1-5.

Enquiries are welcome and should be addressed to: -

Aaron Mirkin is a priest of the Christian Community, a movement for religious renewal. – 07 814 919 408

Marjatta van Boeschoten is General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society.

New participants are most warmly invited. Please let Ilona Pimbert know if you intend to come:  Tel: 020 7723 4400.

Cost £10 at the door.