Uniting Divide and Human Future through Deeds of Consecration
Friday 8 November 7pm - 8.30pm
How does the future form itself for
individuals, nations and indeed for the
whole of our world? As individuals are we
simply following, or not following, the
will of Divine powers and where does our
own will play into these futures? We may
see deeds of consecration as something
just for those with a deep connection
to religion, but as is often said even the
most mundane task, carried out rightly,
can become a prayer and have a pivotal
influence on our future and that of
Peter Van Breda lives in London and is a priest of The Christian Community - a movement for religious renewal.
All welcome, no need to book. Suggested donation £5 / £3
For further information please see www.meetup.com/rudolf-steiner-spiritual-science
Peter Van Breda lives in London and is a priest of The Christian Community - a movement for religious renewal.
All welcome, no need to book. Suggested donation £5 / £3
For further information please see www.meetup.com/rudolf-steiner-spiritual-science