Embryology, Birth and its Spiritual Significance - on Zoom

Friday 30 October 7.30pm - 9pm
With Sophia Smith

The first breath of air we take in at birth awakens our whole being to life in a new incarnation on earth. It occurs at a specific time and place unique to each of us. Sophia will outline the significance of the life and wonderful growth of the embryo. She will show how spiritual archetypes can be found lying behind our life in the womb and preparing us for birth and life on earth.

Sophia Smith is a holistic therapist in the fieldof fertility and pregnancy and is a doula (birth companion), working in London and Sussex.


For further information please see www.meetup.com/rudolf-steiner-spiritual-science or E: ssatrsh@virginmedia.com


Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86985462334?pwd=WGw1RlNYWlc4V1pQeDRDN1VRditEUT09

Meeting ID: 869 8546 2334 Passcode: 745767

All welcome, no need to book.