The Karma of Women

Friday 16 February 7pm - 8.30pm

with Louise Sofair

Through Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual research we can trace the evolution of womankind to its beginnings in the ‘womb of the motherspirit’ and the development of the feminine stream of wisdom, through to modern-day consciousness. At the ‘turning point of time’ what impact did Christ-Jesus have on the karma of the women he met? What part did they play in the drama of the Mystery of Golgotha, which changed the course of human evolution? How will our recently attained equality of the sexes affect our future relationships with one another, with the Earth and with the Etheric-Christ-Being?

Louise Sofair has written articles and given several talks on the subject of the women in the Gospels and is the author of ‘Women With Christ’ (Temple Lodge Press). She was a Waldorf teacher for many years, specialising in Drama and Religion.

All welcome, no need to book, no charge. Voluntary donations towards costs are gratefully received and can be made by transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose.

Account name: Adrian Hotten, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776 or via Paypal to