Affirming our Humanity in the Age of Technology

Friday 11 October 5pm - Sunday 13 October 1pm

How can we work creatively in our increasingly dehumanising culture?  The  growing prevalence of AI and Transhumanism is socially corrosive.  Can we hone the necessary discernment to engage healthily with the possibilities of our modern technology without becoming enthralled by its debilitating effects?  This weekend seminar will identify the threats to our still unfinished human evolution, and also explore the inner practicesthrough which we can develop spiritual resilience, and cultivate our true human potential.    

Our speakers will include Jeremy Naydler and Edwin Hübner.   

Programme and seminar fee to be announced.

To register your interest in participating please contact Andrew Wolpert 

An inter-Sectional event offered by the Humanities and Social Sciences Sections, and supported by The Anthroposophical Society. George Perry, Fritz Wefelmeyer, and Andrew Wolpert