An Occult Physiology
Thursday 5 October 10.30am - 12pm
with Brendan McQuillan
These lectures (GA 128) were given by Rudolf Steiner in Prague in March 1911. Steiner surveys aspects of super-sensible forces in relation to the body’s physical organs. He looks at the digestion and respiratory systems; at differentiation of conscious and subconscious processes in the organs; at warmth in the blood and on its effects on the ‘I’; and at the evolutionary process implicit in the forming of the spinal column and brain.
For further information:
All welcome.
Small donations towards expenses welcome: £3/£2
All the Rudolf Steiner lectures and writings that we are studying are available from the library at Rudolf Steiner House and, in addition, many may be accessed online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive. For updated news on these and other events please see: