Conference for Members of the School of Spiritual Science

Sunday 29 August 10am - 1pm

How to Know Spiritual Beings?

The 19 Mantras of the School of Spiritual Science

This 5-day conference will focus on the question of how to meet and know spiritual beings. We need to transform our consciousness to recognise the spiritual beings who are always around us, in us and accompany us in our growing responsibility for our planet, civilisation, society and humanness. In working and living with the exercises and meditations of this inner path, we may learn how to discern their different qualities and intentions and to consciously decide how to relate to these beings.

The whole path of the 19 mantras has been given by Rudolf Steiner to help us in this transformation of consciousness; to open our awareness to the reality of the spiritual world and its beings; to realise the necessity of discerning and relating, so that we can decide in full consciousness, freedom and responsibility how to answer the Guardian’s questions and how to continue on the path. Therefore, we have placed the mantra of the 14th Class Lesson at the centre as it is here that we are asked to experience how to discern, decide and ultimately to relate to the Christ. The wholeness of the spiritual path of the 1st Class will be approached from this standpoint.

This conference is offered as a support in meeting the crisis that humanity is facing at this time so that spiritual beings can help us with this challenging task. We wish to undertake this transformational journey together with you and hope that many of you will join us in this endeavour.

  1. Discerning and relating – life and spiritual striving Constanza Kaliks
  2. Creating new perspectives and approaches for Class work Joan
    Sleigh and Hazel Adams
  3. Meditation, life and work with the Class mantras Marjatta van
    Boeschoten, Bodo von Plato
  4. Forces and beings at work in our use of intelligence and digital
    technology – Robin Schmidt
  5. Lucifer and Ahriman as portrayed through the Mystery Dramas
    Adrian Locher
  6. The Rose Cross Meditation as a contemplation depicting good
    overcoming evil – Diana Pauli
  7. The Representative of Man – what is truth?
    Simon Blaxland-de Lange
    9.20am Sacred singing – Marilyn Edwards
    2.30pm Bothmer Movement – Katie Brayne
    2.30pm Eurythmy – Maren Stott
    On request Constanza Kaliks will hold her morning conversation
    groups in Spanish/Portuguese.

In view of the special nature of this conference there is no set fee but a donation in the region of £100 would be greatly appreciated to help cover costs. This can be donated during the conference.


Conference Information (PDF)

Conference Schedule (PDF)



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    Person two



    Regent's University is now fully booked. For alternative accommodation options please contact Ilona Pimbert:

    Double room, double occupancy £45 per person per night

    First date of occupancy August for nights
    TOTAL £0

    Double room, single occupancy £55 per person per night

    First date of occupancy August for nights
    TOTAL £0

    If you are staying at Regent’s University London, you can also purchase meals there.

    A light breakfast, lunch and dinner costs approximately £10 per day to be arranged on arrival.



    We will provide light refreshments during breaks. Meals from our Café will be served from Wednesday lunch to Saturday supper and should be booked in advance.

    Please specify for each day how many of which meals you wish to buy:

    Hot buffet lunch @ £8.50

    Dessert @ £3.00

    Light supper (soup, bread & salad) @ £6.00

    [group meals-2 clear_on_hide]

    Person two

    Hot buffet lunch @ £8.50

    Dessert @ £3.00

    Light supper (soup, bread & salad) @ £6.00



    Kindly let us know if you have any health or special needs, e.g. mobility, or special dietary needs or allergies:


    PAYING FOR FOOD AND ACCOMMODATION (by 14th August at the latest)

    I will pay the total amount using the following method:

    Cheque drawn on a UK bank, made payable to: 'Anthroposophical Society in GB'Bank Transfer. Please pay into the 'Anthroposophical Society in GB' account quoting 'NCL and your last name'


    Account Name: Anthroposophical Society in GB Sort Code: 30 93 68 Account no: 01216557
    IBAN & SWIFT: GB95 LOYD 3093 6801 2165 57 BIC: LLOYDGB21028