Connecting with Nature through Movement and Meditation: Co-creation for the Future
Saturday 29 April 10am - 5.30pm
with Michael Fuller
Through a series of simple meditation and movement exercises, we will learn ways to perceive the subtle and often unnoticed energies that live in the world around us. The exercises are inspiring and fun and with continued practice can help us feel more in tune with the phenomena of nature, leading to more empathic ways of connection. The morning will consist of exercises to help us recognise how these energies live in ourselves and each other; in the afternoon we will apply these experiences to explore ways to connect with the landscape and trees of nearby Regent’s Park.
The space that we create together, particularly through our sharing of experiences, can be nourishing and enlivening for each participant and also for the natural world. Experiencing nature in this way has real and important possibilities for the future; in these times of environmental and social turbulence, this feels like a hopeful and inspiring ideal, an ideal which nature herself is asking for.
Michael Fuller is a biodynamic gardener and adult educator working in East Sussex. He trained with Dorian and Antje Schmidt learning meditative nature connection practices and has led a number of workshops and courses on this theme. For more information, including reviews of recent courses, see
£45 full/£35 concession (£25 student/under 30)
Booking is essential as numbers are limited.
To book tickets please click here or contact the Bookshop on 020 7724 7699 or email