Easter Festival - CANCELLED
Saturday 11 April 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Holy Saturday 11th April
2.30pm–3.30pm Easter as a Transformation of the Mysteries talk by Andrew Welburn
3.45pm–4.15pm Eurythmy for Easter with Mona Bradley
4.30pm–5.30pm The Mysteries of Easter – overcoming and transforming the forces of Death talk by Eric Klein
All welcome to any part of the festival. Donation towards expenses
For further information: meetup.com/Rudolf-steiner-spiritual-science
2.30pm–3.30pm Easter as a Transformation of the Mysteries talk by Andrew Welburn
3.45pm–4.15pm Eurythmy for Easter with Mona Bradley
4.30pm–5.30pm The Mysteries of Easter – overcoming and transforming the forces of Death talk by Eric Klein
All welcome to any part of the festival. Donation towards expenses
For further information: meetup.com/Rudolf-steiner-spiritual-science