Encountering Eurythmy

Tuesday 25 October 6pm - 7.30pm

with Coralee Frederickson

Through eurythmy’s unique language of movement, these four workshops will explore the qualities of sounds, colours, soul moods, gravity and levity and the intangible ‘space between’. For all those seeking to enhance their movement practice, whether this be other forms of expressive movement such as dance and theatre, or other forms of body training such as yoga, martial arts or sports.

No experience in eurythmy necessary. Drop-ins welcome.

£15 full /£10 concessions (4 workshops £50/£40)


Coralee Frederickson has over 30 years of experience teaching eurythmy internationally in adult trainings in the UK, Norway and China. Presently, she co-carries the Alanus Master’s in Eurythmy Education in England and courses in Adult Education in Eurythmy in China.