Festival for Easter

Sunday 17 April 3pm - 5pm

Rudolf Steiner House (RSH) or at Temple Lodge (TL)

Zoom meetings:
meeting ID: 826 3212 9836
Passcode: 755359

The images we have selected to illustrate our festival theme are the starting point forobservation and contemplative consideration. How can spiritual science add a cognitive dimension to the aesthetic appeal of this art? The Easter events, that Rudolf Steiner again and again referred to as the Mystery of Golgotha, invite us to understand the Death and Resurrection in connection with the unfinished evolution of the whole of humanity. What is the physical body, originally created in the Image of God? What happened when we left Paradise? What is the new connection with the Image of the Divine?

Thursday 14
7 - 9pm An exploration of Leonardo’s Last Supper (RSH)
Presented by Andrew Wolpert

Friday 15
10am Visits to The National Gallery (see below)

1.30pm - 3.30pm Raphael’s Crucifixion (RSH)
Lecture by Andrew Wolpert

7pm - 9pm Raphael’s Crucifixion (TL and Zoom)
Lecture by Andrew Wolpert

Saturday 16
3pm - 5pm What happened on Holy Saturday? (TL and Zoom)
The Descent to the centre of the Earth
Lecture by Peter van Breda and Andrew Wolpert

Sunday 17
3pm - 5pm Piero’s Resurrection  and Grünewald’s Resurrection (TL and Zoom)
Lecture by Andrew Wolpert and Peter van Breda

Art Gallery Visit

From 9 April until  31 July the exhibition of Raphael’s works at the National Gallery,  will almost certainly include the Crucifixion.  It is normally part of the general collection, and can be seen free of charge.  For the exhibition there will be an entry fee.  The lecture on Good Friday will be illustrated with an image of this picture, and it is not necessary to participate in the gallery visit on that day.

If you wish to join this visit please book your entrance ticket individually

Please let Andrew know that you are coming to arrange where to meet and go in together.
For further information please visit: meetup.com/rudolf-steiner-spiritual-science

For enquiries and further details of events please contact: Andrew Wolpert
andrewjwolpert@gmail.com or Sue Peat suejoanpeat@gmail.com 07770 577 372