Making Gold - Alchemical Principles for Modern Times
Thursday 27 February 7.30pm - 9pm
With Jonathan Code
Does alchemy have a contemporary relevance? It is increasingly clear the solutions to the challenges we face today are not going to be solved if we limit ourselves to the kinds of thinking which brought them about in the first place. What can alchemical principles contribute to the ‘wicked problems’ of today? We will see what can be distilled from the symbolic imagery of medieval alchemical emblems to rectify and transform our understanding, and maybe even ourselves.
Jonathan is Director of Crossfields Learning, a department of Crossfields Europa. He has a deep interest in consciousness studies, the western esoteric tradition, holistic and natural sciences, gardening and education. His book Muck and Mind; Encountering Biodynamic Agriculture is distributed by Lindisfarne / Floris books. He is editor and co-author of Crafting: Transforming Materials and the Maker (publication pending), and is a practising plant alchemist.
All welcome, no need to book. Tickets £10 (£7 students)
Tickets available here
Does alchemy have a contemporary relevance? It is increasingly clear the solutions to the challenges we face today are not going to be solved if we limit ourselves to the kinds of thinking which brought them about in the first place. What can alchemical principles contribute to the ‘wicked problems’ of today? We will see what can be distilled from the symbolic imagery of medieval alchemical emblems to rectify and transform our understanding, and maybe even ourselves.
Jonathan is Director of Crossfields Learning, a department of Crossfields Europa. He has a deep interest in consciousness studies, the western esoteric tradition, holistic and natural sciences, gardening and education. His book Muck and Mind; Encountering Biodynamic Agriculture is distributed by Lindisfarne / Floris books. He is editor and co-author of Crafting: Transforming Materials and the Maker (publication pending), and is a practising plant alchemist.
All welcome, no need to book. Tickets £10 (£7 students)
Tickets available here