Our Living Heart
Tuesday 24 January 6.30pm - 8pm
with Dr Philip Kilner
Day and night, life long, blood streams through our heart and seeps through the microvessels that permeate our body. Can imaginative faculties, informed by decades of painstaking inquiry, begin to appreciate the complexity, beauty and unity of this living system?
After qualifying in medicine, studies of sculpture and flow led Philip to a career in heart research. At Great Ormond Street Hospital, his flow models contributed towards a novel approach in reconstructive heart surgery. He went on to specialise in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the living cardiovascular system, becoming Consultant and Reader at Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College, London, until his retirement in 2017.
All welcome. £8 full/ £5 concession.
For further information and booking please ring the bookshop on 020 7724 7699.
Tickets also available in the bookshop on the night.