Rudolf Steiner in 1924. The time after the Christmas Conference

Saturday 25 May 7pm - 9pm

The year we are living in now marks the 100th anniversary of an astonishingly productive and fruitful year in the life of Rudolf Steiner. It began with the Christmas Conference, during which the Anthroposophical Society was reborn and the Foundation Stone Meditation given. There followed a whole array of new initiatives, including the beginning of the School for Spiritual Science and initiatives in the realm of the arts, medicine and agriculture. That year witnessed Rudolf Steiner’s vital contribution to the bringing of a new understanding of karma to humanity with his Karmic Relationships lectures, as well as the serialised Leading Thoughts, which summarise Anthroposophy in a series of aphoristic guidelines for meditation, supplemented by essays on the Michaelic nature of Anthroposophy.

Peter Selg was born in Stuttgart and studied medicine in Witten-Herdecke, Zurich, and Berlin. Until 2000, he worked as the head physician of the juvenile psychiatry department of Herdecke hospital in Germany. He is currently part of the leadership group at the world headquarters of the Anthroposophical Society at the Geotheanum in Switzerland, co-leader of the General Anthroposophical Section and director of the Ita Wegman Institute. He lectures extensively and is the author of numerous books. His comprehensive biography of Rudolf Steiner is published in 7 volumes. Volume 7 covers 1924 – 1925 and includes a lecture by Rudolf Steiner on June 4, 1924, ‘The Festival of Pentecost’.

All welcome, no booking required, donation towards expenses at the door gratefully received.