The Heart Forces (Zoom)
Friday 17 June 7pm - 8.30pm
with Eric Klein
The Heart forces are central to the Foundation Stone Meditation, and as we work with it, we realise that the ongoing development of the forces of love, the Christ forces, are central to both our development as human beings, and to the development of humanity as a whole. New impulses are founded within our hearts and consciously focussed with ever renewing, living thinking.
Eric Klein was born and raised in an Anthroposophic home in New York, educated at the Rudolf Steiner School in New York City, before training as a concert musician at the Manhattan School of Music. His life’s journey has gone through Harvard Business School, the Christian Community Seminary in Stuttgart, Germany before settling in England in 2002. He has worked as a performing musician, composer, conductor, teacher and lecturer.
Voluntary donations towards costs and overheads are gratefully received and can be made by transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose. Account name: Adrian Hotten, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776 or via Paypal to
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Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359
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* Date swapped with Tom Hart - Shea