The Life of Edith Maryon
Friday 18 November 7pm
with Peter Selg, co-leader of the General Anthroposophical Section at the Goetheanum, Switzerland.
Edith Maryon [1871-1924] was an English sculptor who, together with Ita Wegman, belonged to the innermost circle of Rudolf Steiner’s collaborators. She worked by Rudolf Steiner’s side to create the sculpture of Christ in Dornach, making of the first models and continuing tirelessly when Steiner was away from Dornach. He placed great value on her skill, her inner capacities and work ethos and, recognising her as an esoterically advanced soul, intended her to become the leader of the Sculpture section of the School of Spiritual Science. He also envisioned that she would be part of the esoteric ‘Vorstand’ or executive of the Anthroposophical Society. Sadly, her deteriorating health and early death prevented this.
Dr Peter Selg studied medicine in Witten-Herdecke, Zurich, and Berlin and, until 2000, worked as the head physician of the juvenile psychiatry department of Herdecke Hospital. He is director at the Ita Wegman Institute for Basic Research into Anthroposophy (Arlesheim, Switzerland), professor of medicine at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences (Germany), and co-leader of the General Anthroposophical Section at the Goetheanum. He is the author of numerous bookson Rudolf Steiner, anthroposophy, medical ethics, and the development of culture and consciousness.
£7 full / £5 concession
Tickets available for purchase at the Bookshop, on the night.
NB A book launch of Peter Selg’s book on Edith Maryon will be held in the Bookshop on the evening of this talk.