The Soul's Awakening
Tuesday 29 November 6.30pm - 8pm
with James Dyson
Recent events have given us pause to think about deeper questions of life and human existence on this planet - and how we orientate our inner lives in an authentic and creative way. What fears and spiritual questions are we facing and how do these impact on our lived experience of Self? Dr James Dyson will explore what it can mean to follow a path of spiritual development, addressing the soul’s journey through darkness and crisis and with confidence that the light of the spirit holds the potential to offer each of us a new level of insight and strength.
James Dyson is a medical doctor, now retired, and psychosynthesis psychologist. He has worked in various capacities in the field of mental health for over 40 years. He is the author of the recent book ‘Soul-size: The eternal psychosomatic dilemma’. He now works mainly as an adult educator for professional anthroposophic trainings in several countries including the UK.
All welcome. £8 full/ £5 concession.
For further information and booking please ring the Bookshop on 020 7724 7699.
Tickets are also available for purchase at the Bookshop, on the night.