Tolkien’s Hidden Pictures
Tuesday 28 March 6.30pm - 8pm
with Mark McGivern
With his book, Tolkien’s Hidden Pictures, Mark demonstrates how a new stream of Tolkien scholarship has brought us to a new door of meaning. Explored through the lens of Anthroposophy, we step into a world rich in esoteric imagery which reveals a reason this story holds such a cherished place in our world. Mark shows how the story is much more than a literary entity. Rather, it holds close the long heritage of western myth and brings it into a new form for the future.
Mark’s new book Tolkien’s Hidden Pictures: Anthroposophy and the Enchantment of Middle Earth will be launched after this talk. Mark McGivern was a Waldorf Teacher for several years. He is a long time educator in Anthroposophy and has a strong interest in the experience of mythic imagery. He lives on the West Coast of Canada.
All welcome. £8 full/ £5 concession.
For further information and booking please ring the bookshop on 020 7724 7699.
Tickets also available in the bookshop on the night.