What is asked of the human being in our time? (Zoom)
Friday 18 March 7pm - 8.30pm
with Deborah Ravetz
Schiller said: ‘Live with your century, but do not be its creature. Work for yourcontemporaries; but create what they need, not what they praise.’ To be a contemporary means to be aware of what is happeningin the present and to bring new impulses
for the future. This talk will use story, art and literature to suggest a way in which we can acknowledge the past, be part of
understanding our present and respond to the challenge of fi nding creative ideas for humanity now.
Deborah Ravetz trained as a painter and Social Sculpture practitioner. She lectures and writes on the evolution of consciousness
through art history, literature and biography. The focus of her interest is thequest for authentic selfhood, the possibility of community, freedom and service.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kw5KhlMVS8