Working with the Foundation Stone – Rhythms and Practices (Zoom)

Friday 1 July 7pm - 8.30pm

with Tom Hart-Shea

The Foundation Stone Meditation was given in a completely open public space, and has always been visible and accessible to any seeker. I will start with a review of the rhythms and go on to address the dynamic of Father, Son and Spirit.

Tom Hart Shea has three names because he very fortunately married a feminist. He worked in education as a primary school teacher, researcher and Head Teacher (Principal).

Voluntary donations towards costs and overheads are gratefully received and can be made by transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose. Account name: Adrian Hotten, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776 or via Paypal to

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359
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* Date swapped with Eric Klein