The Psychology of Freedom through a Goethean approach - ONLINE

Friday 3 July 7.30pm - Saturday 4 July 3.30pm
With Graham Kennish

New dates: Friday 3rd July 7.30pm - 8.30pm and Saturday 4th July 2.30pm - 3.30pm

Please email Graham Kennish at least one hour before, for a Zoom invitation link

The Friday evening talk will serve as an introduction to the Saturday morning workshop, but attending Friday’s talk is not a requirement for the workshop and all are welcome.

The Saturday is a workshop on Goethean Psychology, an anthroposophicallybased approach to psychology which supports self-care, well-being and personal development, as well as having therapeutic applications. It is effective for the self-care of therapists themselves, as well as a therapy for the whole range of psychotherapeutic and counselling issues - all of which are based on an anthroposophical understanding of the human being.

Graham Kennish will introduce Rudolf Steiner’s seminal lectures, which led to a Psychology of Freedom, paralleling his Philosophy of Freedom. 

Donations (before or after the event): Co-op 02210474   Sort code 08-93-00

If you cannot attend, email for more information