The Human Being Stands Between the Third Hierarchy and the Elemental World (Zoom)
Friday 21 July 7pm - 8.30pm
with Eric Klein
We have a unique position within both the Angelic world and the Earthly World. Working and weaving both within and around us, we can develop our ‘Selves’ to be the ‘Bridge’ between them. With this comes responsibility for human working with both the Earthly and Etheric realities, with the world of nature “beneath our feet” and spiritual beings around and above us. As humanity evolves, this working can become more conscious and significant. Goethe’s fairy tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily can help us find the True Path Between these Worlds.
Eric Klein was born and raised in an Anthroposophic home in New York, educated at the Rudolf Steiner School in New York City, before training as a concert musician at the Manhattan School of Music. His life’s journey has gone through Harvard Business School, the Christian Community Seminary in Stuttgart, Germany before settling in England in 2002. He has worked as a performing musician, composer, conductor, teacher and lecturer.
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