Rumi ~ Voice of the Heart

Friday 15 November 7.30pm

An intimate performance of the sublime works of Jelaluddin Rumi,13C Gnostic Sufi Master, Poet, and Awakened Heart

with Duncan Mackintosh

who has been performing Rumi’s work for over 30 years

‘I am burning with the love of God!
Does anyone need a light?’
- Rumi

A spontaneous blend of Rumi poems, aspects of his life, and some of the tales he told, depending on the moment and the nature of the audience - as a means to allow Rumi’s extraordinary inspiration, his heart nourishing wisdom, passion and humour to touch and open us - and finally bless us, as silence - as grace.

‘ What you do is beyond a performance. You re-plug us to the current. What you are doing is alive. It burns, caresses, consoles, re-awakens… You are like embers and the other day, I felt like kindling.’    -Muriel Maufroy (Author of Rumi’s Daughter)

‘ If you ever want to be reminded what it is to live and to love and you hear of this man performing this poetry – run there! '- Isabel Losada, Author of ‘For Tibet, With Love’ And ‘The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment’

This performance will be within 2 hrs with a short break included.

Performance: £15 full, £10 concession

Performance and Workshop: £50 full, £30 concession