Eurythmy for Everyone
Tuesday 18 February 6pm - 7.15pm
with Sara Hunt
Eurythmy is an art of harmonious movement, developed by Rudolf Steiner, which can increase a sense of well-being and a deeper connection to oneself and others. These open classes are for every and anyone, with no prior experience needed. We will explore ways to connect with our own bodies as well as how we grow comfortable and creative with others in a dynamic space. Poetry and movement will weave together to stimulate vitality and enrich our daily lives. Please wear loose fitting comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.
Price per class: £10 Full/£8 Concession
Bookings: or in person on the night in the Bookshop at RSH

Sara Hunt
After many years as a teacher in Canterbury Steiner school, Sara graduated from West Midlands Eurythmy and subsequently completed a Masters in Eurythmy Education with Alanus University. Until recently, she worked as an educational eurythmist in Steiner schools and is presently a freelance personal coach.