Join the Women’s Circle
Saturday 22 March 10am - 2pm
Celebrating the New Moon and its Monthly Cycle
with Smadar Bunzl
~ including a bring & share lunch
In this 4 month journey, meeting on the last Saturday of the month, just before the New Moon, we will tune in to the power of the New Moon and observe how the eight phases of the moon present different challenges and opportunities.
Together we will explore how to:
*create a sacred space in our home
*cleanse our internal and external pathways
*acquire tools to reconnect with ourselves
*reflect on the past, let go, and set new intentions
*challenge ourselves to be limitless and try something new
*create a diary to follow our Moon journey
The sessions will include sound, voice and movement meditations. You will be invited to share your dreams and fears and explore tools to embrace both with grace.
Each session will delve into New Moon rituals and explore two of the eight moon phases.
Smadar is the owner of Life Sense, a company offering seminars on stress management, teamwork and creating listening spaces in communities and families. Trained in Creative Education Smadar went on to become a Eurythmy Therapist, training with Melissa Howard and Linda Nunhofer. She later went on to train as a Management Consultant at the Centre for Social Development. Smadar offers 1-2-1 coaching and therapy working with the 12 senses.
The cost is £40 per month, or £140 for the four sessions.
For concessions, please contact Smadar on 07878918057
To book: