Michaelmas Festival: The Archangel Michael and the Michaelic Age - via Zoom
Sunday 27 September 2.30pm - 3.30pm
With Dr. Sue Peat and Philip Martyn
Michaelmas is a time for gathering the forces of the summer sun and for taking initiative! We experience this in our tradition of starting the academic year in the autumn. Looking to nature we see fruiting plants in abundance and the iron from the August meteoric showers beginning to embed itself into the life of our planet. The picture of Michael with his sword standing over the dragon can inspire us to seek those forces within us that are capable of overcoming evil and prepare to meet the challenges that we face. Drawing on the insights into the season given by Rudolf Steiner we will explore the spiritual meaning of Michaelmas for the earth, for humanity and for the future.
*Please note this event is now happening via Zoom.
We will each make a short presentation as a start and then we hope to be able to have a conversation with those taking part or have smaller break out groups if the attendance is sufficient to warrant that. The subject matter is of course the Archangel Michael and the Michaelmas festival. Below are some references in Rudolf Steiner Archive which can provide the basis for preliminary reading. Among the many sources are the Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, the relevant chapters in Festivals and their Meaning and the Michaelmas Imagination in The Four Seasons and the Archangels.
The Four Seasons and the Archangels https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA229/English/RSP1968/19231005p01.html
Festivals and their Meaning https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/Michaelmas/MicMas_index.html
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/Michaelmas/MicMas_index.html
The log in details for Zoom are as follows:
Michaelmas is a time for gathering the forces of the summer sun and for taking initiative! We experience this in our tradition of starting the academic year in the autumn. Looking to nature we see fruiting plants in abundance and the iron from the August meteoric showers beginning to embed itself into the life of our planet. The picture of Michael with his sword standing over the dragon can inspire us to seek those forces within us that are capable of overcoming evil and prepare to meet the challenges that we face. Drawing on the insights into the season given by Rudolf Steiner we will explore the spiritual meaning of Michaelmas for the earth, for humanity and for the future.
*Please note this event is now happening via Zoom.
We will each make a short presentation as a start and then we hope to be able to have a conversation with those taking part or have smaller break out groups if the attendance is sufficient to warrant that. The subject matter is of course the Archangel Michael and the Michaelmas festival. Below are some references in Rudolf Steiner Archive which can provide the basis for preliminary reading. Among the many sources are the Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, the relevant chapters in Festivals and their Meaning and the Michaelmas Imagination in The Four Seasons and the Archangels.
The Four Seasons and the Archangels https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA229/English/RSP1968/19231005p01.html
Festivals and their Meaning https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/Michaelmas/MicMas_index.html
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/Michaelmas/MicMas_index.html
The log in details for Zoom are as follows: