Nature Spirits (Zoom)

Friday 2 June 7pm - 8.30pm

with Mark Redman

In answer to farmers’ questions Rudolf Steiner outlined the principles of farming organically in harmony with the rhythms of the cosmos and the needs of the land. Mark has put these principles into practice on his small farm within a landscape of huge farms. His active management has changed arable chalk downland into wildflowers, hedges and trees. A small flock of sheep are part of the land management programme and provide an income, together with chickens, bees and a large vegetable garden. He will explore with us how we may gain access to the invisible kingdoms of the nature spirits.

Mark Redman has a small farm in Hampshire and has worked with his land biodynamically for over 25 years.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836, Passcode: 755359

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All welcome, no need to book, no charge.

Voluntary donations towards costs are gratefully received and can be made by transfer to a Nationwide account held for this purpose.

Account name: Adrian Hotten, sort code: 07-01-16 account number: 31466776 or via Paypal to