Quantum Alchemy of the Spirit, Soul and Body - CANCELLED
Saturday 28 November 11am - 1pm
With Marin Teodor Nasar
Spirituality and Science have been present in human life from time immemorial, it is only that both of these terms were not used as they are now. We had faith, knowledge, belief, wisdom and a unifier: Religion. In these meetings we will walk the path of evolution of human and world consciousness to see where things individualized (separated) and became subjects of their own to observation and research. Spiritual Science allows unified observation, experience and practice of these two world themes.
Experiencing topics such as:
We will walk a three-fold path of:
Thinking-> Feeling-> Willing
Entry fee £7
Limited places please email: teonasar@abv.bg
Spirituality and Science have been present in human life from time immemorial, it is only that both of these terms were not used as they are now. We had faith, knowledge, belief, wisdom and a unifier: Religion. In these meetings we will walk the path of evolution of human and world consciousness to see where things individualized (separated) and became subjects of their own to observation and research. Spiritual Science allows unified observation, experience and practice of these two world themes.
Experiencing topics such as:
- Body, Soul & Spirit
- Earth, Air, Water, Fire
- Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen
- Physical, Organic, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual
- Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human
- Unconsciousness, Sub-Consciousness, Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, Supra-Consciousness.
- Wisdom, Knowledge, Practice, Theory
- Being, Non- Being?
- Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Natural Science
- Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Islam
We will walk a three-fold path of:
Thinking-> Feeling-> Willing
Entry fee £7
Limited places please email: teonasar@abv.bg