Recalibration Crystal Sound Bath Journey

Sunday 8 September 3pm - 4.30pm

Transformational Sound Frequency Journey Event hosted by Loulla Antoniou.

(Ticket holders only spaces are limited)

'Some day when I have grown sufficiently, I shall attain all that which I am destined to attain'
- Rudolf Steiner

Includes: Crystal flower keepsake bag & 10ml elixir remedy 

As Earth's vibrational magnetosphere ascends, we are also part of this ascension in this sacred time. Whether you are seeking self discovery, balance, healing or rejuvenation,  join us for this Recalibration Crystal Sound Bath Journey on Sunday 8th September at 3pm - 4.30pm. The last quarter of 2024 is paramount and the coming together of like minds and collaboration is key in creating a vibrational transformational ripple effect for ourselves, those around us, and the greater good. These ripples are far-reaching, resonating far and wide, choose awareness. Your host Loulla has a natural flair for transcending the boundaries of the ordinary, every event is an individually transformative experience. An expert in her field she is dedicated to your inner exploration and evolution, using the power of crystal sound frequencies, remedies, meditation, and energy work. A healthy energy flowing recalibration and aligning the mental, emotional, physical with the astral bodies brings radiance and light, creating a heart-expanding and profound experience which then overflows in your life.
