Rumi ~ This That We Are Now
Saturday 16 November 12.30pm - 6pm
Exploring the Mystery of Presence
with Duncan Mackintosh
‘We are the mirror as well as the face in it
We are tasting the taste this instant of Eternity
We are pain and what cures pain both
We are the sweet cold water
And the jar the pours’
- Rumi
In this workshop, we will focus on contacting the pervading field of Presence - the formless ground and loving intelligence that is our source, our being, and the agent of our transformation...
...And create a welcoming crucible in which we can deepen our experience through simple practices of attention and enquiry, open to whatever each of us needs to experience and express.
‘...takes us to a place that is ordinarily hard to access... creates trust and safe boundaries to explore this beautiful arena of connecting with divine love/the presence’ - Sarah
‘Duncan's sessions on presence take place in a very warm loving atmosphere that encourages each group member to share their presence freely. We are discovering that love is our own Self!’ - Chris
Workshop: £40 full, £25 concession
Performance and Workshop: £50 full, £30 concession
For any enquiries contact Duncan at or 07816378989
For reviews and descriptions of the work see