Technology’s Assault and the Cry of the Earth

Saturday 20 November 10am - 1pm

with Jeremy Naydler

Recent advances in biotechnology mean that living organisms are increasingly regarded as biochemical algorithms, which humanity is at liberty to alter through techniques such as ‘gene editing’. At the same time, the project to turn the living organism of the Earth into a fully computable Smart Planet, interpenetrated by an all-pervasive ‘electronic ecosystem’, is rapidly being realised. In the face of technology’s assault, the Earth cries out. How should we respond?

Jeremy Naydler is a philosopher-gardener and author of ‘In the Shadow of the Machine’ (2018), ‘The Struggle for a Human Future’ (2020) and ‘Gardening as a Sacred Art’ (2021; first published 2011).

£20 / £15 concessions

For further information: 020 7723 4400 or