The East in the Light of the West
Tuesday 24 May 7pm - 8.30pm
with Brendan McQuillan
These nine lectures published in English as The East in the Light of the West were given in Munich in 1909 and are subtitled The Children of Lucifer and the Brothers of Christ. The English title could also have been The South in the Light of the North since the lectures contrast the two streams of spiritual culture and initiation that emerged from Atlantis: a Northern stream to the macrocosmic ‘upper’ gods through the outer gate of the physical senses, and a Southern stream to the microcosmic ‘lower’ gods through the inner gate of the soul life. Steiner points out that both paths lead to the same spiritual goal and are mediated and drawn together by the Impulse of Christ.
Members and friends are warmly invited to groups at any time even for one-off visits. Previous participation is not necessary and there is no need to book. Small donations towards expenses welcome: £3/£2
All the Rudolf Steiner lectures and writings that we are studying are available from the library at Rudolf Steiner House and, in addition, many may be accessed online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive. For updated news on these and other events please see: