The Last Supper and the Legend of Judas - CANCELLED

With David Lowe

Monday 3 March 4.21pm

The Last Supper leads us forward to the central Mystery of Christianity. The personality of Judas leads us back to the beginnings of the Greek epoch and to a central motif of our own culture. Through considering these and Leonardo’s painting we come face to face with one of the great questions we all face today. David Lowe has an MA in the History of Art and has a special interest in how we improve our way of looking at paintings, so that we strengthen our imagination. For further information E: M: 07926 196 446.

An illustrated art talk which draws on the insights of Rudolf Steiner to deepen our appreciation of the significance of great works of art. On the Wednesday evening following each talk there will be a discussion relating to the Friday Art Talk

All welcome! No need to book.

Suggested donation £5.00 / £3.00