The Nordic Path of Initiation and the Three Elemental Realms
Thursday 9 September 7.30pm - 9pm
Lecture by Are Thoresen
In this talk Are Thoresen will describe the Nordic path of initiation from his own experience and the crossing of the Threshold between the material and spiritual worlds. He will also describe aspects of the three Elemental Realms which lie on the other side.
The talk will be based on Are’s latest book The Northern Threshold and the Worlds Beyond.
'My intention with this book is to describe the crossing of the threshold according to the northern stream of spirituality, and the spiritual realms traversed after such a crossing, which are the three elemental realms, the inner etheric world and then the outer etheric world.'
'This threshold is not a definite line. It is more like a continuous change in your view and understanding of a spiritual reality that is the foundation of the totality of creation – although there are certain areas that feel more like a distinct threshold.'
Are will be speaking again on the same theme at Emerson College on 10 September, followed by a weekend workshop which will focus on exercises and the way to travel the Nordic Path.
Are Thoresen is a Norwegian veterinary surgeon and healer who has been clairvoyant from childhood. He has written several books on his spiritual findings and methods. These can be understood in the context of the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner, which was developed in the early 20th century as a path of knowledge and is known as Anthroposophy.
£10 full price/ £7 students or members (please show ID at the door).
Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite here: The Nordic Path of Initiation and the Three Elemental Realms Tickets, Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM | Eventbrite
Tickets can also be purchased for cash on the night.
For further information, please contact Glenn Charles: 07554000280