The Philosophy of Freedom
Wednesday 14 December 2pm - 4pm
with Trevor Dance
Rudolf Steiner regarded this book as the underpinning of every aspect of anthroposophy. It is a practical guide - if we want to become free we have to strive through our inner activity, our unconscious urges and habits of thought. Freedom is not lack of restraint, but the attainment of a world view that sees through all illusions, recognizes no limits to knowledge and opens the portal of the reality of the spiritual world.
All welcome - no prior knowledge assumed.
For further information:
Members and friends are warmly invited to groups at any time even for one-off visits. Previous participation is not necessary and there is no need to book. Small donations towards expenses welcome: £3/£2
All the Rudolf Steiner lectures and writings that we are studying are available from the library at Rudolf Steiner House and, in addition, many may be accessed online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive. For updated news on these and other events please see: