The Profundity of Fairy Tales

With Wim Wolbrink

Thursday 2 May 7.30pm - 9pm

Fairy tales are not just entertaining stories for children, they carry insights into the depths of the human soul. Looking at some of Grimm’s tales we will see what gifts they contain. We will also do some exercises, and eye observing what we are actually doing during the exercises we will explore our own souls.

Wim Wolbrink is the director of the Dutch National Storytelling School. A storyteller and storytelling teacher for more than 20 years, he organises storytelling festivals and workshops mainly in Japan, Belgium, UK and the Netherlands. Through organising festivals, he brought thousands of people together around certain themes such as Freedom, the Threefold Social Order and Karma and Reincarnation.

Contribution at the door: £10 (£8 students)