Theosophy (Zoom)
Monday 17 March 7pm - 8.30pm
with Dr Sue Peat and Adrian Hotten
We will be continuing to read and discuss Theosophy, which is one of Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental and foundational books, published in 1904.
It begins by describing the threefold nature of the human being: the body, or sense-world; the soul, or inner world; and the spirit, or universal world of cosmic archetypes. A profound discussion of reincarnation and karma follows, concluding with a description of the soul's journey through regions of the supersensible world after death. The book closes with an outline of the path to higher knowledge.
Copies of the book are readily available both new and pre-loved, and it is also available on the Rudolf Steiner Archive website.
All are welcome to join us for any, or all, of these meetings. Previous knowledge of Rudolf Steiners’ work is not expected or required.
All our meetings are free. Donations towards expenses are gratefully received.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836
Passcode: 755359