Twelfth Night

Monday 11 August 9am - Friday 15 August 5pm

Shakespeare Week at Rudolf Steiner House London

A pair of twins emerge from the ocean.  Parted by a storm and shipwreck, each is sure the other is drowned as they come separately ashore on the coast of Illyria.  Beneath their outwardly confusing similarity, their different destinies lead them into the same social psychic disorder which at first they unwittingly compound.  The tenuous symmetry of the plot embraces illusion and misrule, and justly leaves some unfinished business at the end that reflects the disparate beginning.

Twelfth Night leads us from the innocence of the Early Comedies into the well-known experiences of the Tragedies.  The less well-understood ambiguous, confused, social, personal, and gender realities of that transition expose an entertaining but tragic chaos. This play picks up a teasing loose end from As You Like It, and leaves a bitter remainder for Hamlet.  The counter-intuitive polarities remind us of the excesses of the Saturnalia and reveal what is often hidden by the norms of convention.  The questions the play poses about identity, delusion, recognition, and destiny all relate timelessly to our individual and social experience today.

Sarah Kane and Andrew Wolpert will be offering speech, drama workshops, close study of the text, lectures, discussions, and a visit to see a production of the play at The Globe Theatre.

The course fee of £465 includes a Groundling theatre ticket, morning coffee and afternoon tea.

For the timetable, more information, and to register please contact Andrew Wolpert

Rudolf Steiner House        35 Park Road      London NW1 6XT