What can Anthroposophy contribute to the theme of Gender? Who am I? & Who are you? - CANCELLED
Signs of the Time
Wednesday 25 March 12am
With Andrew Wolpert
Gender dysphoria and gender fluidity are everyday topics in public culture, mainstream social studies, psychology and medicine. Open discussion of these phenomena is often inhibited by either dogmatic political correctness or no less dogmatic and indignant prejudice. How can we understand these prevalent issues of gender and sexuality in the context of spiritual science?
In the panorama of our unfinished human evolution can we discern in these phenomena a striving for individual identity, not just beyond culture, race, and religion, but also beyond gender? Can we recognise beyond the excessive sexualisation and hedonism of our modern culture, that there are spiritually striving individuals yearning for human communion that does not conform to inherited norms?
Questions of gender identity arise now for many people in the wider context of experiencing a kind of “homelessness" in terms of family, nationality, religion and ideals. The significance and consequences of the division of the sexes, the way masculinity and femininity come to expression in the soul, the nature of the human reproductive process and the human urge for creativity, the connection between Eros and the Logos, the forces of reproduction and the creative potential of language are all relevant considerations in this field of study.
The lecture on 28th May at 7.30pm will open the exploration of these questions, and the Seminar on 7th September (11 am – 6pm) will be an opportunity to deepen this work. Both events are open to the public. If you have any questions, please contact andrewjwolpert@gmail.com
All welcome, £8 (£6 concessions) at the door.
To book online please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-can-anthroposophy-contribute-to-the-theme-of-gender-who-am-i-who-are-you-tickets-59945398300
Gender dysphoria and gender fluidity are everyday topics in public culture, mainstream social studies, psychology and medicine. Open discussion of these phenomena is often inhibited by either dogmatic political correctness or no less dogmatic and indignant prejudice. How can we understand these prevalent issues of gender and sexuality in the context of spiritual science?
In the panorama of our unfinished human evolution can we discern in these phenomena a striving for individual identity, not just beyond culture, race, and religion, but also beyond gender? Can we recognise beyond the excessive sexualisation and hedonism of our modern culture, that there are spiritually striving individuals yearning for human communion that does not conform to inherited norms?
Questions of gender identity arise now for many people in the wider context of experiencing a kind of “homelessness" in terms of family, nationality, religion and ideals. The significance and consequences of the division of the sexes, the way masculinity and femininity come to expression in the soul, the nature of the human reproductive process and the human urge for creativity, the connection between Eros and the Logos, the forces of reproduction and the creative potential of language are all relevant considerations in this field of study.
The lecture on 28th May at 7.30pm will open the exploration of these questions, and the Seminar on 7th September (11 am – 6pm) will be an opportunity to deepen this work. Both events are open to the public. If you have any questions, please contact andrewjwolpert@gmail.com
All welcome, £8 (£6 concessions) at the door.
To book online please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-can-anthroposophy-contribute-to-the-theme-of-gender-who-am-i-who-are-you-tickets-59945398300