All Events

Online events are highlighted in blue.

  • Friday 28 February 10am - Sunday 9 November 5pm

    with Marko Pogačnik and Ying Li

    A 9-month programme with 5 weekends: 28 February-2 March, 11-13 April, 13-15 June, 12-14 September and 7-9 November 2025

    Geomancy as a creative dialogue with Gaia has made profound developments after entering the third millennium when the intense process of Earth changes started. More than ever, we need a new approach to geomancy with practical experiences and theoretical insights related to the upcoming multidimensional Earth cosmos and the different kinds of beings sustaining its permanent transformations. In this course we will practice methods of Earth healing and subtle perception exercises with special emphasis on the creative language of the body and its artistic expression. Beginners and experienced geomancy practitioners are both welcome.

    The training will be led by Marko Pogačnik assisted by Ying Li with fieldwork in the vicinity of London and one residential weekend at Emerson College, Sussex.

    28 February- 2 March: In London taught by Marko Pogačnik

    11-13 April: In London taught by Ying Li

    13-15 June: At Emerson College, Sussex taught by Marko Pogačnik

    12-14 September: In London taught by Ying Li

    7-9 November: In London taught by Marko Pogačnik

    A certificate of completion in Geomancy Updated is given at the end of the training course.

    Marko Pogačnik (1944) UNESCO Artist for Peace from Slovenia has developed a method of Earth healing based upon geomantic knowledge, using cosmograms carved in stone. He has led education in geomancy in Germany, England, Hungary, Italy, USA, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. His latest books: Dancing with the Earth Changes and Creating Gaia Culture.

    Ying Li, originally from Hong Kong and based in London, is a geomancer, bodyworker, inner dimensions guide and facilitator of co-creative meditation and dance alchemy. Ying is part of the organising team of LifeNet, the international network for life, geomancy and transformation.

    Cost: full price £1375, concessions £1225. Booking deposit: £250

    Early booking is advisable due to group size limitations. The course price includes entrance fees to sites. Accommodation, meals and transport are booked separately.

    For booking and additional information:

  • Friday 28 March
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Eric Klein

    Wagner could be said to have revolutionised opera, developing the concept of the ‘total work of art’ - embracing the audience in music, poetry, and dramatic art. Perhaps we could see this as a foretaste of the ‘immersive experience’ offered by technology today. The life of this exceptional musical genius of unparalleled capacity was a chaotic personal journey. While composing the opera Siegfried he interrupted his work on the Ring Cycle and wrote the tragic love story Tristan and Isolde, which contains the famous ‘Tristan Chord’ which Eric will demonstrate and explore the meaning of. Wagner described his last work, Parsifal, as a sacred festival stage play rather than an opera. With this he left many mysteries for us to explore and experience together. 

    Eric Klein was born and raised in an Anthroposophic home in New York and was educated at the Rudolf Steiner School in New York City, before training as a concert musician at the Manhattan School of Music. His life’s journey has gone through Harvard Business School and the Christian Community Seminary in Stuttgart, Germany before settling in England in 2002. He has worked as a performing musician, composer, conductor, teacher and lecturer.

  • Sunday 30 March
    11am - 4.30pm

    Rudolf Steiner House

    Members and friends are warmly invited to this special day of recollection and gratitude for the many ways in which Rudolf Steiner has touched and transformed our individual lives and the world at large.

    We will recall aspects of Rudolf Steiner’s tremendous last year on earth and his departing on 30th March 1925.  We will also hear some reminiscences from those who were close to him at this time.

    We will reflect on what our personal relationship to Rudolf Steiner and his Spiritual Science has meant for our individual destiny and identify what we are specifically grateful for.  

    We will conclude by considering how we, as individuals and as a Michaelic community, can best direct our endeavours to further Rudolf Steiner’s intentions for humanity after 100 years.

    The day will include some prepared contributions, time for self-reflection, small group exchanges and plenum conversation. There will be musical interludes throughout the day.

    Practical information:

    • The day starts at 11am (10.30 for coffee) and ends at 4.30pm. 

    • There is free single yellow line parking in several of the streets around the house.

    • There is no charge for this event.

    • Coffee, tea and refreshments will be available at the café throughout the day.

    • Lunch will be available for £15, payable on the day. 

    Please note: It is important for us to know whether you are attending, and if you want lunch, as soon as possible, and latest by Friday 21st March, as this will affect catering and house arrangements. Please let Ilona know: E: or T: 020 7723 4400

    We greatly look forward to sharing this significant day with you.

    Warm wishes,

    Marjatta van Boeschoten, General Secretary

  • Monday 31 March
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Dr Sue Peat and Adrian Hotten

    We will be continuing to read and discuss Theosophy, which is one of Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental and foundational books, published in 1904.

    It begins by describing the threefold nature of the human being: the body, or sense-world; the soul, or inner world; and the spirit, or universal world of cosmic archetypes. A profound discussion of reincarnation and karma follows, concluding with a description of the soul's journey through regions of the supersensible world after death. The book closes with an outline of the path to higher knowledge.

    Copies of the book are readily available both new and pre-loved, and it is also available on the Rudolf Steiner Archive website.

    All are welcome to join us for any, or all, of these meetings. Previous knowledge of Rudolf Steiners’ work is not expected or required.

    All our meetings are free. Donations towards expenses are gratefully received.

    Zoom link:

    Meeting ID: 826 3212 9836

    Passcode: 755359

  • Monday 31 March
    7.30pm - 9pm

    with Paul Webber

    Men, you are invited and called to join a new adventure, a weekly men’s circle.

    A safe and calming space to come, unpack and trust in the bond of the circle and being with other men.

    We will start the evening with a calming and grounding experience based on one of the senses. We will then go on to create a circle and share with one another. To both listen and be heard from our hearts. It will be based on the Way of Council, and my hope is to pass on to others the amazing benefits I’ve felt and experienced from this.

    I look forward to having you there,


    Price per session: £15 price band A, £10 price band B

    No man will be turned away based on finances, please contact Paul if you need a different pricing:

    Bookings in person on the night, at the door.

  • Tuesday 1 April 9am - Friday 4 April 5pm

    with Mary Beattie

    Become an infant massage instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage. The most fulfilling work, contributing to a better world.

    Training is at Rudolf Steiner House in London with Mary Beattie (IAIM international trainer and Massage in Schools instructor).

    Book now by contacting Mary: or 07528589859

  • Tuesday 1 April
    6pm - 7.15pm

    with Sara Hunt

    Eurythmy is an art of harmonious movement, developed by Rudolf Steiner, which can increase a sense of well-being and a deeper connection to oneself and others. These open classes are for every and anyone, with no prior experience needed. We will explore ways to connect with our own bodies as well as how we grow comfortable and creative with others in a dynamic space. Poetry and movement will weave together to stimulate vitality and enrich our daily lives. ‍Please wear loose fitting comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.

    Price per class: £10 Full/£8 Concession
    Bookings: or in person on the night in the Bookshop at RSH

    Sara Hunt
    After many years as a teacher in Canterbury Steiner school, Sara graduated from West Midlands Eurythmy and subsequently completed a Masters in Eurythmy Education with Alanus University. Until recently, she worked as an educational eurythmist in Steiner schools and is presently a freelance personal coach.

  • Wednesday 2 April
    4.15pm - 5.45pm

    with Debbie Elliott

    In these lectures we will be reading about the initiation processes and the ancient esoteric teaching of the mystery schools, the language of truth in the gospels, Rosicrucianism, and the roles of Lucifer and Christ. In this series of lectures Steiner also discusses Dante’s Divine Comedy, Paracelsus and Wagner.

    Further information:

  • Thursday 3 April
    7.30pm - 9pm

    With Alex Wright

    Anthroposophy is a Spiritual Path which can lead to very significant human development. A practical guide to making that a reality.

    Alex has an MA in Law from Oxford University and is a graduate of the 3yr Emerson Visual Arts Course.

    Each evening is £10 (£7 student), pay Alex at the door, no cards.

    If you would like to be kept informed of when the next course starts, then please email

    This course will also run one day earlier on Wednesdays in the North Dining Room at Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX

  • Friday 4 April
    7pm - 8.30pm

    with Dr. Nic Kollerstrom

    How do we understand what is, in the minds and hearts of many, the greatest event that has taken place in the history of humanity? How did ‘God’ become ‘man’, incarnating into a human body and living a hum an life? We could, like many respected theologians, imagine that this took place at the birth of Jesus and celebrate it at Christmas. The Gnostics had a different view, one which has remained undocumented for centuries and was re-awakened and enlivened by Rudolf Steiner. Nic will guide us through the history of these thoughts and maybe lead us to some new discoveries.

    Nic studied the work of Rudolf Steiner in depth as a student at Emerson College. He is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and has degrees in the history of science.

  • Saturday 5 April
    11am - 12pm

    with Graham Kennish

    A 1+ hour (free) Zoom workshop to learn a practical anthroposophical method of handling anxiety and stress, through the Goethean observation of one’s own inner emotional state, with the language of gesture. You will leave with a practical exercise that you will have created yourself, to use in daily life.

    Graham Kennish is a Steiner science teacher trainer, a driving instructor and a psychotherapist (MBACP Accredited) holding workshops and individual sessions in Goethean Psychology.

    Free of charge, but donations to cover Zoom costs are welcome.

    For further information and booking your chosen date, please contact: or 07973 680959

  • Monday 7 April
    7.30pm - 9pm

    with Paul Webber

    Men, you are invited and called to join a new adventure, a weekly men’s circle.

    A safe and calming space to come, unpack and trust in the bond of the circle and being with other men.

    We will start the evening with a calming and grounding experience based on one of the senses. We will then go on to create a circle and share with one another. To both listen and be heard from our hearts. It will be based on the Way of Council, and my hope is to pass on to others the amazing benefits I’ve felt and experienced from this.

    I look forward to having you there,


    Price per session: £15 price band A, £10 price band B

    No man will be turned away based on finances, please contact Paul if you need a different pricing:

    Bookings in person on the night, at the door.

  • Tuesday 8 April
    6pm - 7.15pm

    with Sara Hunt

    Eurythmy is an art of harmonious movement, developed by Rudolf Steiner, which can increase a sense of well-being and a deeper connection to oneself and others. These open classes are for every and anyone, with no prior experience needed. We will explore ways to connect with our own bodies as well as how we grow comfortable and creative with others in a dynamic space. Poetry and movement will weave together to stimulate vitality and enrich our daily lives. ‍Please wear loose fitting comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.

    Price per class: £10 Full/£8 Concession
    Bookings: or in person on the night in the Bookshop at RSH

    Sara Hunt
    After many years as a teacher in Canterbury Steiner school, Sara graduated from West Midlands Eurythmy and subsequently completed a Masters in Eurythmy Education with Alanus University. Until recently, she worked as an educational eurythmist in Steiner schools and is presently a freelance personal coach.

  • Thursday 10 April
    10.30am - 12pm

    with Brendan McQuillan

    We will be reading ‘Understanding Healing’ (GA316), Rudolf Steiner’s lectures given in Jan 1924 to young doctors.

    All welcome but some knowledge would be an advantage.

    Small donations towards expenses welcome: £3/£2

    All the Rudolf Steiner lectures and writings that we are studying are available from the library at Rudolf Steiner House and, in addition, many can be purchased in the Bookshop or accessed online at at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

    For updated news on these and other events please see:

  • Saturday 12 April
    10am - 5.30pm

    A sequence of Saturday monthly workshops

    with Sarah Kane

    These one-day workshops provide an opportunity to explore practically the core elements of the truly artistic acting techniques developed by Russian actor Michael Chekhov in the middle of the twentieth century. Chekhov’s approach aims to inspire and empower actors for their future work by building a living and sensitive bridge between the movement and imagination of an actor and the character to be played.

    Although the workshops are designed as a series and build from one to the next, each workshop is an entirety in itself and can be taken individually.

    Imagination is the real, eternal world, of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.

    William Blake

    Saturday 12 April 10am - 5.30pm ~ Individualising Psychological Gestures: Qualities
    The third session on gesture will investigate the final step in the process of individualisation and explore how qualities can enhance and refine any gesture, making them truly specific.

    Please bring clothes and shoes suitable for the Chekhov workshops as a well as a piece of text such as a monologue or poem known by heart, so that it can be used in the exploration in practice of any aspect of the techniques.

    Workshop Fees:

    1 workshop day: £55

    4 workshops: £195 (Bookable on the first date)

    To book:

    Sarah Kane trained in Steiner’s approach to speech and voice, then Chekhov’s approach to acting with many of his original students. She now integrates them in her teaching, directing and performing, which takes place internationally.


    April – July 2025

  • Sunday 13 April
    10am - 5.30pm

    A sequence of Sunday monthly workshops

    with Sarah Kane

    These one-day workshops provide an opportunity to explore practically the core elements of the artistic speech techniques developed by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the twentieth century. The approach aims to bring what an actor speaks to life by exploring where we might find the life of words themselves. The approach can inspire and empower actors for their work by building a living and sensitive bridge between an actor’s inner life and the words a character speaks.

    Although the workshops are designed as a series and one builds on to the previous one, each workshop is an entirety in itself and can be taken individually.

    Sunday 13 April 10am – 5.30pm ~ Exploring The Individuality of A Character’s Voice

    Working with both sound and gesture the workshop will investigate how to create the vocal individuality of the character.

    Please bring clothes and shoes suitable for the Chekhov workshops as a well as a piece of text such as a monologue or poem known by heart, so that it can be used in the exploration in practice of any aspect of the techniques.

    Workshop Fees:

    1 workshop day: £55

    4 workshops: £195 (Bookable on the first date)

    To book:

    Sarah Kane trained in Steiner’s approach to speech and voice, then Chekhov’s approach to acting with many of his original students. She now integrates them in her teaching, directing and performing, which takes place internationally.


    April – July 2025

  • Monday 14 April
    7.30pm - 9pm

    with Paul Webber

    Men, you are invited and called to join a new adventure, a weekly men’s circle.

    A safe and calming space to come, unpack and trust in the bond of the circle and being with other men.

    We will start the evening with a calming and grounding experience based on one of the senses. We will then go on to create a circle and share with one another. To both listen and be heard from our hearts. It will be based on the Way of Council, and my hope is to pass on to others the amazing benefits I’ve felt and experienced from this.

    I look forward to having you there,


    Price per session: £15 price band A, £10 price band B

    No man will be turned away based on finances, please contact Paul if you need a different pricing:

    Bookings in person on the night, at the door.

  • Tuesday 15 April
    6pm - 7.15pm

    with Sara Hunt

    Eurythmy is an art of harmonious movement, developed by Rudolf Steiner, which can increase a sense of well-being and a deeper connection to oneself and others. These open classes are for every and anyone, with no prior experience needed. We will explore ways to connect with our own bodies as well as how we grow comfortable and creative with others in a dynamic space. Poetry and movement will weave together to stimulate vitality and enrich our daily lives. ‍Please wear loose fitting comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.

    Price per class: £10 Full/£8 Concession
    Bookings: or in person on the night in the Bookshop at RSH

    Sara Hunt
    After many years as a teacher in Canterbury Steiner school, Sara graduated from West Midlands Eurythmy and subsequently completed a Masters in Eurythmy Education with Alanus University. Until recently, she worked as an educational eurythmist in Steiner schools and is presently a freelance personal coach.

  • Thursday 17 April
    7pm - 9pm

    with Barnaby Tobias and Iaia Chiesa

    Join us in Rudolf Steiner Bookshop for a sharing of poems, monologues, stories, parts of plays, and all things creative. A casual event where we celebrate the spirit of creativity. All are welcome and encouraged to share something of their own work or another’s they admire. We will have some discussion around the inspiration for certain pieces, with a main emphasis on the practical sharing of work.

    Cash donations are welcome.

  • Wednesday 23 April
    7pm - 8pm

    Join us for an evening with Sir Ben Okri, poet, novelist and artist.

    An informal evening of conversation with one of the leading writers of our time and Booker Prize winner, exploring his views on life, society, reality, our times and his work.

    Sir Ben will also share his two latest publications; ‘Everyman African Stories’, and ‘Madame Sosostris & the Festival for the Broken-Hearted.

    Part vision, part mystery, it’s the story of a midsummer night’s madness. Think Bergman meets Shakespeare, with a dash of Mozart.’

    Limited availability. Tickets can be purchased in the bookshop or online.

    Admission: £5

    Book early to avoid disappointment.

    The bar will be open from 6.30 pm.

    To book online, go to: or book at Rudolf Steiner Bookshop Tel: 020 7724 7699

  • Thursday 24 April

    Inspire your child’s imagination and creativity at an art and storytelling workshop run by artist and writer, Rosemary Clunie

    Only £5 per child. Ages 3 to 7, accompanied by a parent.
    To book a place, enquire in Rudolf Steiner Bookshop, or ring 07791 663875

  • Saturday 26 April
    10am - 2pm

    Celebrating the New Moon and its Monthly Cycle

    with Smadar Bunzl*

    ~ including a bring & share lunch

    In this 4 month journey, meeting on the last Saturday of the month, just before the New Moon, we will tune in to the power of the New Moon and observe how the eight phases of the moon present different challenges and opportunities.

    Together we will explore how to:
    *create a sacred space in our home
    *cleanse our internal and external pathways
    *acquire tools to reconnect with ourselves
    *reflect on the past, let go, and set new intentions
    *challenge ourselves to be limitless and try something new
    *create a diary to follow our Moon journey

    The sessions will include sound, voice and movement meditations. You will be invited to share your dreams and fears and explore tools to embrace both with grace.

    Each session will delve into New Moon rituals and explore two of the eight moon phases.

    Smadar is the owner of Life Sense, a company offering seminars on stress management, teamwork and creating listening spaces in communities and families. Trained in Creative Education Smadar went on to become a Eurythmy Therapist, training with Melissa Howard and Linda Nunhofer. She later went on to train as a Management Consultant at the Centre for Social Development. Smadar offers 1-2-1 coaching and therapy working with the 12 senses.

    The cost is £40 per month, or £140 for the four sessions.

    For concessions, please contact Smadar on 07878918057

    To book:

    *new date

  • Monday 28 April
    7.30pm - 9pm

    with Paul Webber

    Men, you are invited and called to join a new adventure, a weekly men’s circle.

    A safe and calming space to come, unpack and trust in the bond of the circle and being with other men.

    We will start the evening with a calming and grounding experience based on one of the senses. We will then go on to create a circle and share with one another. To both listen and be heard from our hearts. It will be based on the Way of Council, and my hope is to pass on to others the amazing benefits I’ve felt and experienced from this.

    I look forward to having you there,


    Price per session: £15 price band A, £10 price band B

    No man will be turned away based on finances, please contact Paul if you need a different pricing:

    Bookings in person on the night, at the door.

  • Saturday 10 May
    10am - 2pm

    Celebrating the New Moon and its Monthly Cycle

    with Smadar Bunzl*

    ~ including a bring & share lunch

    In this 4 month journey, meeting on the last Saturday of the month, just before the New Moon, we will tune in to the power of the New Moon and observe how the eight phases of the moon present different challenges and opportunities.

    Together we will explore how to:
    *create a sacred space in our home
    *cleanse our internal and external pathways
    *acquire tools to reconnect with ourselves
    *reflect on the past, let go, and set new intentions
    *challenge ourselves to be limitless and try something new
    *create a diary to follow our Moon journey

    The sessions will include sound, voice and movement meditations. You will be invited to share your dreams and fears and explore tools to embrace both with grace.

    Each session will delve into New Moon rituals and explore two of the eight moon phases.

    Smadar is the owner of Life Sense, a company offering seminars on stress management, teamwork and creating listening spaces in communities and families. Trained in Creative Education Smadar went on to become a Eurythmy Therapist, training with Melissa Howard and Linda Nunhofer. She later went on to train as a Management Consultant at the Centre for Social Development. Smadar offers 1-2-1 coaching and therapy working with the 12 senses.

    The cost is £40 per month, or £140 for the four sessions.

    For concessions, please contact Smadar on 07878918057

    To book:

    *new date

  • Thursday 15 May
    7pm - 9pm

    with Barnaby Tobias and Iaia Chiesa

    Join us in Rudolf Steiner Bookshop for a sharing of poems, monologues, stories, parts of plays, and all things creative. A casual event where we celebrate the spirit of creativity. All are welcome and encouraged to share something of their own work or another’s they admire. We will have some discussion around the inspiration for certain pieces, with a main emphasis on the practical sharing of work.

    Cash donations are welcome.

    *Date amended --> initially advertised as 5 September, now scheduled for 19 September

  • Thursday 19 June
    7.30pm - 9.30pm

    with Barnaby Tobias

    Join us in Rudolf Steiner Bookshop for a sharing of poems, monologues, stories, parts of plays, and all things creative. A casual event where we celebrate the spirit of creativity. All are welcome and encouraged to share something of their own work or another’s they admire. We will have some discussion around the inspiration for certain pieces, with a main emphasis on the practical sharing of work.

    Cash donations are welcome.

  • Saturday 21 June
    10am - 2pm

    Celebrating the New Moon and its Monthly Cycle

    with Smadar Bunzl*

    ~ including a bring & share lunch

    In this 4 month journey, meeting on the last Saturday of the month, just before the New Moon, we will tune in to the power of the New Moon and observe how the eight phases of the moon present different challenges and opportunities.

    Together we will explore how to:
    *create a sacred space in our home
    *cleanse our internal and external pathways
    *acquire tools to reconnect with ourselves
    *reflect on the past, let go, and set new intentions
    *challenge ourselves to be limitless and try something new
    *create a diary to follow our Moon journey

    The sessions will include sound, voice and movement meditations. You will be invited to share your dreams and fears and explore tools to embrace both with grace.

    Each session will delve into New Moon rituals and explore two of the eight moon phases.

    Smadar is the owner of Life Sense, a company offering seminars on stress management, teamwork and creating listening spaces in communities and families. Trained in Creative Education Smadar went on to become a Eurythmy Therapist, training with Melissa Howard and Linda Nunhofer. She later went on to train as a Management Consultant at the Centre for Social Development. Smadar offers 1-2-1 coaching and therapy working with the 12 senses.

    The cost is £40 per month, or £140 for the four sessions.

    For concessions, please contact Smadar on 07878918057

    To book:

    *new date

  • Saturday 28 June 10am - Sunday 29 June 1pm

    With Ad Dekkers, Henriette Dekkers, John Lees

    Seeking truth in a polarized world and building future communities

    There will be an opportunity to deepen the theme in an optional workshop on Sunday 29th June, 10.30 – 13.00.

    We often hear such words as misinformation, fake news and propaganda.  There is an uncertainty about truth.  Our present world is beset by intensified polarizations regarding a whole range of issues – Gaza, Covid vaccination, politics (such as Democrats and Republicans in the United States), global alliances (BRICS and the G7). 

    How should we position ourselves in this polarized, split, dangerous, confusing and uncertain world?  What is our place in these broader events?  Do we mean anything or are we just cogs in a machine?  What can we do? 

    Ad Dekkers, Henriette Dekkers and John Lees are anthroposophic psychotherapists, practicing a holistic body, soul and spirit approach to psychotherapy.  They will share a way of addressing these questions from the point of view of anthroposophic psychotherapy.  Their aim is to show that today’s challenges present us with an opportunity to develop a future spiritual consciousness and new future communities.  The conference will include talks, group discussions and practical exercises.

    Saturday: £50, £35 conc.
    Saturday & Sunday morning: £65, £50 conc. 

    Book online:

    Or by phone: 020 7723 4400

  • Thursday 17 July
    7pm - 9pm

    with Barnaby Tobias and Iaia Chiesa

    Join us in Rudolf Steiner Bookshop for a sharing of poems, monologues, stories, parts of plays, and all things creative. A casual event where we celebrate the spirit of creativity. All are welcome and encouraged to share something of their own work or another’s they admire. We will have some discussion around the inspiration for certain pieces, with a main emphasis on the practical sharing of work.

    Cash donations are welcome.

  • Monday 21 July 9am - Thursday 24 July 5pm

    with Mary Beattie

    Become an infant massage instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage. The most fulfilling work, contributing to a better world.

    Training is at Rudolf Steiner House in London with Mary Beattie (IAIM international trainer and Massage in Schools instructor).

    Book now by contacting Mary: or 07528589859

  • Monday 11 August 9am - Friday 15 August 5pm

    Shakespeare Week at Rudolf Steiner House London

    A pair of twins emerge from the ocean.  Parted by a storm and shipwreck, each is sure the other is drowned as they come separately ashore on the coast of Illyria.  Beneath their outwardly confusing similarity, their different destinies lead them into the same social psychic disorder which at first they unwittingly compound.  The tenuous symmetry of the plot embraces illusion and misrule, and justly leaves some unfinished business at the end that reflects the disparate beginning.

    Twelfth Night leads us from the innocence of the Early Comedies into the well-known experiences of the Tragedies.  The less well-understood ambiguous, confused, social, personal, and gender realities of that transition expose an entertaining but tragic chaos. This play picks up a teasing loose end from As You Like It, and leaves a bitter remainder for Hamlet.  The counter-intuitive polarities remind us of the excesses of the Saturnalia and reveal what is often hidden by the norms of convention.  The questions the play poses about identity, delusion, recognition, and destiny all relate timelessly to our individual and social experience today.

    Sarah Kane and Andrew Wolpert will be offering speech, drama workshops, close study of the text, lectures, discussions, and a visit to see a production of the play at The Globe Theatre.

    The course fee of £465 includes a Groundling theatre ticket, morning coffee and afternoon tea.

    For the timetable, more information, and to register please contact Andrew Wolpert

    Rudolf Steiner House        35 Park Road      London NW1 6XT

  • Thursday 25 September
    7.30pm - 9pm

    Lecture by Thomas Mayer

    At every moment we are surrounded and permeated by angels of the nine hierarchies.

    How can we differentiate the nine angelic hierarchies?

    How do the angels work in our lives and in our aura?

    How does our angel accompany us in our sleep and after death?

    What is a landscape angel?

    How do angels express themselves in families or social communities?

    How do angels experience us humans?

    Thomas Mayer is a Meditation teacher, civil rights activist, and author of “Answering the Call of the Elementals” published by Findhorn Press, “Overcoming Fear - Exercises for Spiritual Self-Defense” and “Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective”.

    £15 cash on the door.

    For further information please call Alex Wright on 01342 827967

    Thomas will be leading a workshop on Anthroposophical Meditation focussed on connecting to the Angelic World, at Emerson College from 7pm Friday 26th September to 12.30pm Sunday 28th September.

    Please see for full details.